Sunday, August 30, 2009

China-USA Create Teleskop most Big in the World

The astronomers China and the United States will possibly co-operate in the development teleskop biggest in the world that was aimed to give the sight more in to the stage was very early of the universe. Was like this the report on the Xinhua news agency, on Friday (28/8).

Teleskop 30 metre or TMT (Thirty-Metre-Telescope) that was compiled and was led by the Californian University and the Institute of Teknologi California (Caltech) that was it was estimated finished in 2019. Was like this the official China news agency explained.

"That was big efforts and will determine the astronomy future and astrophysics during between 60 and 70 years, so that will automatically involve the international community," said the leader Caltech, Jean-Lou Chameau, in the interview and Xinhua.

Xinhua membeberkan kabar dari universitas tersebut, dan Caltech telah berbicara dengan sejumlah astronom dan ilmuwan China mengenai kerja sama pendanaan dan teknologi, meskipun belum ada keputusan akhir yang dibuat. Kanada dan Jepang telah mencatatkan diri untuk ikut dalam proyek yang memerlukan total pembiayaan 1 miliar dollar AS itu.

A Suicide planet

Several astronomers found the phenomenon that apparently was the action of the planet suicide because was very much close to his star and caused the horrifying wave.

This planet was WASP-18b that has berjuta the year lived and was found reprimanded Hellier, a professor of astrophysics in Keele University in England. Hellier sent his report to the scientific The Nature journal, on Thursday (27/8). ”Dengan created the wave, he destroyed himself sendiri,” said Hellier.

This planet star was WASP-18. The planet orbited the star in the Phoenix constellation and be at a distance around 325 lightyear from Earth (one lightyear around 9,3 trillion kilometre). That meant him was in our region of the galaxy neighbour.

The distance of this planet with his star was around 1/50 the Earth distance with the Sun. The measurement of this planet around 10 measurement times of the Yupiter planet. The wave between this planet and the star him could be compared to the Month relations and Earth that could form twice the wave.
As far as this is concerned the astronomers found more than 370 planets apart from the Sun system. However, the discovery of the suicide planet very rare happened.